Transporting a kayak is not very difficult, but it is important. To ensure that you properly strap your kayak to your vehicle, we try to give some examples here. We can also always help you secure your kayak in the shop. See some examples below to give you inspiration:
Auto roof rack system with roof rack:

A canoe cart (kayak trolley) can be very useful. After all, the cart carries the most weight:
One of our customers has even transported his kayak from Heerenveen to Rotterdam by bicycle. What a hero huh?! See pictures:

If you want to transport several kayaks, there are special trailers for that. These make it extra easy to tie up the kayaks in a streamlined way. Guus (owner Guma Kayaks) has transported 23 kayaks at once. Below is a photo of our kayak dealer from Limburg.

There are many other modes of transportation. We plan to supplement this in due course. If you have nice pictures that fit in this blog, mail them to us ;). We like them!